Monday, October 8, 2012

Slacking over the Summer

Oh how I wish I was better at keeping up with this blog.. It's just that I feel like a post isn't good enough without pictures and I rarely take pictures off of my cameras! Fall is in full swing and we can for sure tell today! It is FREEZING!
Let's see what we have for updates.. Summer was fun and we had tonz of rage days! TK started pre-school at a REAL school.

Granpa came over to see Taiden go to his first day of school.

He doesn't look very happy in the first pic lol, but he loves Ms Siene(sp) and I can't figure out how to delete it while on my phone!

He has the same teacher that Devan did which is pretty cool. She remembers him, Tucket, and all their other little friends! He has his days where he doesn't want to go, but then has a blast anyways (I think he just wants to stay home and play on my Nook). We all walk him over everyday and Khari wants to stay SO bad. She has to line up to wash her hands with the kids and she takes her bag pack along as well. Hopefully Jeff's G-ma will be doing preschool again next year and her and Emma can go there together!
This post is pretty short, but I figured it's better than nothing! Here are some pictures from this summer...

They always come outside and wave to me and run around the corner when I leave.

At the camp site

Walker, Taiden, & Dev up camping.

At the zoo near the new exhibit.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

May and June pictures

I suck at writing on here. I don't even know what to write about right now as MONTHS have passed. I think I'll just post some pictures.. :-)

We took a trip to the zoo in May. Sadly we didn't go back again until this past Sunday due to vacation, birthdays and the like.

Said vacation.

For those not on FB you don't know that my dad took TK and cut all his hair off! I was livid to say the least, but my baby looks handsome anyway.

TK actually went on a ride! He ASKED to go on it. He is a very chicken cautious kid so I was SOOOO proud!
Any July pictures I took are still on my cameras so those will probably show up around Xmas haha.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter and Spring Bucket List

Spring Bucket List!

So I decided to do it again. A bucket list. Last season's didn't get finished, but we did most of it. As you can see we've already marked off a few of our to do's on the spring one! Below are pictures!


One minute we were just making shapes.

The next they were COVERED in flour.

Being the cool mom I am I just went with it.

My camera will forever have flour in it's crevices.

Do not tell this girl to say cheese. This is what you get. ....

Chocolate Birds Nests

Devan said this looked like Chaos poop. yeah we didn't end up eating those ones after that!

Dye Easter Eggs

Cheese face.

Easter Egg Hunting
We had an egg hunt at our house in the morning.
We did one later in the front and back yard, but I don't think I took pictures.


The night before we had an egg hunt in the dark over at my boonie Alysha's house.

Khari got to go a bit early because she tricked them with her size.

Little did they know she is a fast learner and she cleaned up!

Mason with his flashlight.

Devan was trying to hide because Khari didn't want to stand by them.

Little turtle Stockton!